Friday, June 26, 2009

week-end plans?

I will be dressing the blue cottage in all her July 4th Glory!
What are your plans for the week-end?


Mindy said...

Sounds like fun! I'm doing a little restocking at Primitiques and at Winnie & Tulula's...and then, I have GOT to go shoe shopping before we leave for vacation in Boston! ~Mindy

bj said...

We just finished up 7 yr. old baseball last night...sure glad because it has been soooo hot.
Having a long time friend coming on Sat. and we'll probably just eat and hang out..Too hot to go shopping..and besides...I don't shop on Sat....too many people out there.
Have fun decorating..

Anonymous said...

That sounds exciting! I will be preparing for a trip to NYC next week with two friends I taught with early in my career. How fun is that?

Have a great weekend.


Jean Tuthill said...

I'll be catching up on my gardening, I hope. We've had nothing but rain and the garden is totally out of control. Too many weeds, flowers need deadheading and the bushes are all overgrown! And I'll be going on vacation on Friday, so I need to get ready for that. Have a great weekend!

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