Our historic district has been kicking around the thought of having a tour de coop this fall..
Thought I would do a little research on making one of these for the blue cottage.... Oh my ... look at all the cute coops I found here...

ADORABLE RIGHT? I borrowed this pictures from BACKYARD CHICKENS.COM - go to his website to see all the coops...
Let me know which one you would pick for your backyard!!
Happy Tuesday !
Okay- that's it! I want to come back in my next life as someone's pampered chicken! xo Diana
ps. If you get a chance pop over to my blog and sign up for my BLOVE give away! xo Diana
We left the country and moved to town a little over a year ago, even though its a small one redlight town still I miss the country, and all my critters. My husband tells me one day he'll build me a cute little coop so I could have a few city hens. :)
Oh My! I love the first one; the Hilton of Coops ~ very nice!!
Hmmm... while they are all lovely. I think I would go with the 'green w/ red door' ...but the one that fits our lifestyle the most, would be the rustic w/ green roof!
Like I said, all of them lovely.
My chickies... seem to like their humble dwelling.
those are adorable but I gotta ask one thing........are you really gonna put chickens in your backyard??!!!!
Love thoes coops... You need one!!!
So cute . . . I wish I had room for chickens. My neighbor has a coop and I love hearing her rooster in the mornings. I really like the white one, but if I built I would choose the one with the front porch and the fresh eggs sign, because it matches my little western home. Your fellow blogger, Connie
They are gorgeous. The chicken coop phenomenon is interesting to me. I always wonder, doesn't it smell like farm animals in the backyard?
I don't necessarily want to raise chickens, but those chicken coops are really cute! But the cutest one I have ever seen was in the July/August 2011 issue of Country Living. I'd like to have that one my backyard just for "looks".
If you like chicken coops you may like Heather Bullard's chicken coop plans: http://coopplans.bigcartel.com/product/chez-poulet-coop-plans...you can also see her blog:
I used to live in Ft. Worth and I know that Collecctive/Tea room in on Denton hwy...one of my favs.
Cheers! JSP
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