Rooster pillow on my sofa~

Little boy holding a Rooster on a sofa table in my living area!~

My Speckled Rooster- one of my favorites-a birthday gift from the kids.

Beautiful roosters above my dining hutch~

A rooster clock~ found at Goodwill!

My rooster lamp!

A Rooster welcome each morning in the dining area!

Texas Gal holding a speckled rooster - painted by
Duda Daze! (love ya Diane!) and the rooster's on the shelf!! Found the pair at a garage sale or thrift store.. can't remember.

and...... if you leave me a comment I will enter your name to win Mabel!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment to win Mabel - the Rooster above! hugs to all... Valarie