Thursday, August 4, 2011

ikea tea towels + burlap coffee sack = chair cushion

Remember when I said.... I had lots of burlap projects....  The cushions are burlap coffee bags I picked up for free, the ruffle is a .49 cent Ikea tea towel. I had the brainstorm to make the ruffle from the tea towel because I love the red stripe through the tea towel.... and the price of vintage linen with the red stripe is way too many $$$ for a fun project. I change things quickly around the blue cottage - did not want to make this a costly project.

Finished the dining chair project... Each chair cushion is different!

Love it? 
Happy Friday!! 


  1. Hi Valerie, I just love the chair cushions, love the mix of the burlap with the ruffle, and and that the chair cushions are all different! Their so pretty!!!
    Hugs~~ Daphne

  2. Very cute! I bought a lot of those dishtowels at IKEA thinking I could do something with them someday and now I have some ideas! ~Hugs, Patti

  3. So cute! I applaud the ingenuity and craftiness. :)

  4. Cute, cute, cute!!!! Jana in Texas

  5. Valerie, these are wonderful! Lezlee

  6. What a wonderful ingenious idea!! Love it! Also love me those Ikea towels! They are the best and ya never have to worry abt them getting ruined!

  7. So cute Valarie...your room looks great.

  8. These are adorable, Val. I love them. Really cute coffee sacks and the ruffles are wonderful.
    So cute..I am pinning one. :)
    Xo bj

  9. Love these chair cushions! Great idea :)

  10. Your new chair cushions look FABULOUS!!! I love them and the fact that you used IKEA tea towels is genius! You are one smart chick!
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Hi Valarie! I have some burlap sacks that I had planned on using to cover some seat cushions, but ... I want to protect them from spills. I don't know if I should use some type of fabric protector, Scotchguard, Mod Podge for fabric? I know if you try to wash or clean/wipe, the colors will fade, run, bleed. What do you suggest? Love your cushions! ~ Kirsten
