Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas from my family....

Santa hat tarts!! Yummy! A favorite this year!! 
Santa sharing his scrapbook of his journey! 

Daughter Ashley and family.. The Mother of my two adorable grandsons. 

Daughter Karly, Son Jon-Eric and boys! 
Son Jonathan & girlfriend Kaisha

We celebrated our family Christmas-Christmas Eve. Having all the kids and grandkids home are the joys that LOML and I cherish.
Take the time to enjoy your families and enjoy the memories!
Merry Christmas! 


  1. The Santa Hat tarts are so festive! Fun idea. Santa and his scrapbook are a great tradition.

    Your tree is GORGEOUS, as is your home!

    Christmas Blessings!

  2. beautiful family....I get to have mine tomorrow...can't wait...
