Friday, December 24, 2010

Gingerbread Men...

When I was raising my adorable children in East Texas, every Christmas we went to the Village Bakery to pick out their favorite cookies... I always picked out a dozen Gingerbread Men... A few years ago Jon Eric was on his way home for Christmas from college(SFA). He stopped in Tyler to bring me the gift of a dozen gingerbread!! When he brought them home I cried, I thought that was the sweetest gift ever. I had no clue he would remember all those trips to Village Bakery. GINGERBREAD MEN... the sweetest gift of all... Hope you are enjoying your holiday memories!! 

Happy Holidays!! 


  1. What a sweet Christmas memory -- and son! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Annie

  2. Well now I'm crying too! What a wonderful son you have raised!
    Merry Christmas!!!
