Thursday, November 19, 2009

A little Mimi time!

Tonight is Mimi Night - and I am so glad.  This little guy I love and adore! I learn so much from him and his views on life. He is fearless, brave, strong willed, driven, bold, kind, loving, sassy, competitive, charming, and he loves his Mimi!! We will chat tonight I am sure about the upcoming Thanksgiving and the trip to see all the family, what he will do the entire week he is out of school, favorite movies, the Christmas wish list... and so much more. I hope you have the time to spend with grandchildren and make a difference in their world! Love and Hugs to all~ Valarie 


  1. O, are going to have a great time...I know, for I have these times with my grands and I know from experience....just like you!! Our kids and grandkids ARE our lives!!
    Have a wonderful time....

  2. Can't go wrong spending time with kids...and listening to James Taylor. For sure! ~Mindy

  3. have fun. he is blessed to have a mimi like you. make the most of this precious opportunity!

  4. You must be so proud of him. He looks strong and courageous.
