Friday, November 20, 2009

I can't take credit for the recipe or the baking!

Wow... the recipe for Oatmeal Crispies is heavenly... so please give credit to the recipe I found here! (you won't be surprised who it is!) I did none of the baking of these yummy cookies.. I owe it all to this 9 year old chef!! This recipe makes a BIG BATCH! We ate many many last night... and we had enough cookies for his teachers this morning AND we sent a tub full to LOML's office.  Try this recipe out - you will be glad you did!!
Hope your day is happy!


  1. Valerie...they look have a future chef there...

  2. Well I just finished two hot chocolate chip cookies but those do sound wonderful. We love oatmeal cookies. I always tell myself that we don't have to feel guilty eating them because there's so much fiber. :)

  3. Yum!! I want a cookie! Handsome lil baker you've got there Val!

  4. This young man will win many over with the skill of baking. As you know I love a guy who cares about food!

  5. another great sounding recipe!!!

  6. I'm sure your son's teachers loved the cookies! So cute that you've got him in the kitchen already.
