Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Smithville Ranch

Yesterday I told you about my dear friend Christina... She is the pioneer woman I have known for 30 years... I am so glad to call her my friend... I hope you all have enjoyed meeting her through my posts (no, she will not blog!) - this is a few snaps of the Ranch! 
Martin birdhouses... 

Peaches galore!! 

Beautiful - 

Her style chippy, rusty and crusty before the trend was cool.... because my friend is just cool like that! 

Only one of the horses.. isn't he beautiful?

Hope you enjoyed a glimpse of the country!!

Make it a day to celebrate and reach out to all those girlfriends who have loved you through the years!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh girl....I do love my girlfriends and tell them ALL the time! Sometimes, they are what get me thru some days!!
    Thanks for the reminder...think I'll write them right now!
