Monday, June 11, 2012

Nothing like summer camp!!

Did you attend summer camps as a kid... do you remember the excitement? Packing your new swimsuit, a new fluffy beach towel, girly pj's, and meeting new friends?
Well my little almost tween GRANDson and almost too cool for MIMI loves summer camps! 
I love to take & pick him up from camp! Making the top bunk bed perfect for his week stay,  leaving a happy note that he will find at bedtime, meeting the counselor.. and meeting his new friends for the next week... 
The Ranch - 

All the counselors greeting you at the entrance gate!  

Ice cold watermelon for everyone 

Walking to the cabin... saying our good bye!
Thankful for this child, thankful to play a part in his life!

1 comment:

  1. Valarie- He is just adorable. Don't all those little milestones just give you kind of a clutch in your heart though? xo Diana
