Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is the first year I have started my Christmas decor this early -- with all the festivities and a few trips we have planned I thought I better get a head start. 

I dug out all the Christmas garland today and gave them life with new ribbon.  This year I am using a Santa theme on the front & side entrance.  My GRANDbabies love Santa and so do I!!
This is a sneak peek of the side entrance... 

Hope you had a great day!! 


  1. Valarie- That is just darling. I just made up my mind this morning that when I get home (after the new grandbaby is born) that I will drag out my whole Santa collection. It has been packed away for a couple of years while I was working full time. My grands love Santa too! xo Diana

    ps. You might want to pop by my blog and take a "grandbaby guess"~
