Saturday, November 26, 2011


I left town on Tuesday heading SE with my brother to prepare for Thanksgiving on the lake and returned late yesterday. No laptop, a cell signal only in certain areas. We stayed at a beautiful condo that my sister had arranged for us. It was a giant slumber party!! This was the first year we celebrated Thanksgiving away from all our homes. It was nice, the beauty and the calmness of the lake is what we all needed.  This year has been rough with my brother in law's cancer and my brother's recent heart scare, my daughter's recent move to East Texas with the grandbabies.  It was an amazing time with food, stories, memories of all the kids, and being surrounded with love. My prayer is that you all enjoyed your day as well... 

I am starting to decorate for Christmas and will share more this week. In the midst of the busy holiday season ahead take the time to love & embrace your family. 
Daughter Ashley, Son Jon Eric 
Son Jonathan, Brother Brian, Son Jon Eric, LOML (love of my life) Tim 
Grandson Wesley, my son Jon Eric 
Grandson Jack 


  1. You have a beautiful family! I love seeing families when I visit looks like everyone is happy and glad to be together. Lovely~xo Diana

  2. Glad you got to spend good times with your family. My side of the family (minus a brother and his family) got together. My hubby's family was getting together several hours away on Friday. We weren't able to join them because hubby had to work. I SO don't want to go back to work myself. I have so many Christmas things I would like to do instead!!
