Friday, September 9, 2011


My business is going crazy and I am grateful! Excited! There have been many days where I thought maybe the real estate market was not for me! However, after almost 2 years since my departure at ATT... I am beginning to see the fruits of my labor.

True friends are loyal and you know who you are thanks for the referral business!! You rock-seriously!!  

While everyone was enjoying labor day weekend I worked... and worked ...  and brought in contracts for $999K!! I had told LOML Thursday night prior to the holiday week end - I am going to sell a million dollars in real estate, I was pretty darn close!!

A beauty located in Fairview - 

Sloan Creek in Fairview 

Hope you enjoyed the tour! Thanks to all of you who have emailed me about my grandson... I am doing better each day.... although my eyes are swollen shut    Life brings changes ... Just wasn't expecting so soon!

Happy Week-end!  


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's beyond wonderful in today's trying times.

  2. Awesome to hear! As an ATTer myself, I wonder what life will be...will change come upon me or do I need to seek it out myself.

  3. Way to go, Valarie-What a great job selling in a down market! We were in the RE business for many years. It was a lot of work but rewarding emotionally and financially. Now we just do it for ourselves. Take some time for yourself so that you don't burn out!!!

    Referrals are the lifeblood of the business! xo Diana

  4. Patience pays off. So glad your succeeding.
