Friday, August 12, 2011

Guest Blogger Friday- Come on in - The door is open!

Welcome to Guest Blogger Friday!! I have to tell you that the past few weeks have been crazy for me as well as other bloggers getting ready for back to school, last minute summer vacations etc... so today I am going to be the guest of my own blog. 

I am Valarie!! I have full bragging rights to 2 blogspots and for being a Texan 51 years proud!! 

Some of you ask questions or leave comments and sorry for not responding promptly. So for today here are all the responses- If I missed any - well ask me again!! 

Where do you find your inspiration to blog and how did you come to blog?  I am inspired everyday by life, junky finds, curbside finds, my creative side, my life/family in the blue cottage with LOML, and the friends that surround me.  I attempt to bring a glimpse of happy into your home that will make a difference.  

I came to blog .. because my sweet MAMA (if you read my blog you know her) lives about 2 hours from me and when I would send her pictures in her email it was a disaster!! I came up with the blog - so she could save to her favorites and have our life at one click.  

Question- Who is LOML?  LOML stands for the love of my life, you can call him Tim! or LOML! 

Question- (this question alot!) On the vintage trailer door what is 0430?  Actually stands for  April 30th..  the day I fell n love with LOML, the day we were engaged, the day we married. This day changed our lives 10 years ago!!  So we use this date on many things that hold value to us.  When we were wanting a house number for the trailer door it was the first thing that popped in my head... 

How many children do you have? I have 2, Ashley & Jon-Eric - LOML has 2, Karly & Jonathan

Question-Was blending our families hard? Blending families is never easy in the best of situations due to many reasons. However,  I have been blessed to have played a role in the life of Jonathan & Karly for the past 10 years.   

Question- Which one is a Aggie? Karly is the aggie! Whoop!  
Ashley graduated University North Texas, Jon Eric attended Austin College 2 years changed major and transferred to Stephen F Austin where he graduated. Jonathan is a Jr @University of Arkansas.... (Woo pig sooie!) 

This was the Comment -  You never call your step kids - step kids. Are all 4 kids yours?  My sweet Mama remarried when my sister Fannie and I were 2 & 4. My step father raised us as his own. He never once introduced as a step daughter. This was huge to me as a child.  He taught me many valuable lessons that I have remembered to carry through life. (another post on him another day!)      

Comment-  I can't imagine putting all the kids through college... We have fully funded 3 of the 4 and you do what you have to do ... we are pretty frugal in spending!    

Question- How do you find time to sell real estate and manage 2 blogs... and fit in an chairing community events?  IF YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO IT NEVER SEEMS LIKE WORK. + I do not require much  sleep.  I have always said I can sleep when I am old!! 

Question-What are your passions? MY FAITH, FAMILY, HOME AT THE BLUE COTTAGE 

Question- Did you restore the blue cottage? Yes, click here!! 

Before & After of the Blue Cottage

Question- Did you and LOML build your outdoor fireplace? We did not personally lay the stone,  I  designed the outdoor area at Starbucks with a contractor.   

What camera do you use? LOML bought me a Cannon Rebel a few years back... I just purchased  two zoom lens and another lens for shooting sports for the GRANDson. See yesterday post of the GRANDson coming off a water slide!  LOVE IT!! 

I truly appreciate all of you popping in daily- You inspire me to be a better person!  


  1. I love your blog! Your colors and arrangements are beautiful!
    Enjoyed my visit. :-)

  2. LOL- I LOVE your interview with yourself~what better way to answer questions that have been asked. Some of MY greatest inspirations have come over me at a Starbucks' table!;>) I love your blog and follow along faithfully and now I am signed up for your travel trailer blog cute is THAT!?! xo Diana
