Thursday, August 25, 2011

despite the texas heat!!

A few things are still green!! 
Praying for rain! 
Hugs.. Valarie  


  1. Valarie ~
    Your flowers look mutch better than mine just a little bit west of you in Keller ~
    Your garden is beautiful!!

  2. I see you've been watering like crazy too! In Greenville they have limited us to 2 days a week to water. I'm praying for rain also...we've been just missing it in the last several hours!

  3. In the last picture, what are those big leaves? They look like banana leaves or something to me.

  4. Your flowers are beautiful, Valarie! My flowers have not survived very well here in Tulsa even with regular watering. The ferns hanging on my deck are the only plants that look healthy and green. I'm so ready for fall!


  5. I'm with you just a lil more rain. The last few nights have been very nice don't you think?!Your yard and your garden beds still look beautiful.

  6. NO WAY....... that does I am moving to McKinney...
    We are so DRYED up in Wills Point.... the tank is dried up we are can not use water for the yard it is just DEAD..
    And you look soooo lush at the blue cottage ..... I am pea green with envy...

  7. Sure can't tell there's a drought from these pictures - they look fabulous! You are taking good care of them. We got a touch of rain yesterday. It was so exciting! I hope some comes your way soon.

  8. I hope some relief come's your way...we have had rain all afternoon, my little dog's barked at the thunder.
    What a wierd year we are having all over the nation. Our summer has been very mild, I feel bad for all of you in that bad heat.

  9. Wow! I'm envious. Most of my plants are dead now. I missed 2 days of watering on the front porch and I lost about 3 plants! Your plants are beautiful.
