Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vintage windows in my flower garden!

Today we are taking a walk in the garden. I love color!! ALL COLOR!  I also love things in my garden that have a flair of personality! Let's walk..... 
 Red & White Petunias 
I love lantana...(very little water!) 
Lilies are blooming! 

      Old windows in the garden - Made the letters with the Silhouette 

 creeping jenny!  

Have a great Thursday.. Linking up Tales of Bloggeritaville, and Fireflies and Jelly Beans!  XXOXO, Valarie  


  1. Just beautiful! I have one old window that needs a prominent spot. You have great ideas.

    Tell your friends that I wish the home and garden tour would take place every summer. :) We have a tour this weekend but it's in the super fancy part of town...trying to convince my husband to go. He's not really interested in gardens that are all done by professional landscapers.

  2. Hey there - stopping by from Fireflies and Jellybeans. I love the vintage windows in your garden. And your garden. Love the cute little flamingos peeking from behind the plant too. :)

  3. so fun! i love your vintage window space. i host a garden party on Thursday's - please do link up! xoox, tracie

  4. Thank you for linking up to Thrifty Thursday!
    You have been chosen to be featured in my Friday review! LOVE your link up!
    Thanks for being a part!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  5. I love your blue cottage and your little campers are darling. I am so enjoying your blog. I decided to follow. Your garden is so pretty you should link it up for Fresh-Cut Friday! :)


  6. You have a beautiful garden! So lovely! Have a delightful weekend, Kellie xx

  7. My first visit to your blog and I can see that I will be back to read past posts and watch your cottage come to life.
