Thursday, June 23, 2011

Guest Blogger Friday!! Come on in, door is open!

Please welcome Laura - Laura has an amazing blog-
Hello Everyone-

I was so pleased and honored when Valarie

invited me to do a guest post today.

She is a generous and gracious Texas
blog host,

and in the spirit of visiting,

I brought something to share!

Ranch Recipe #5

 (my parents, 1950, Tecalitlan, Mexico)

Ranch Recipes are my way of sharing

my memories of growing up in South Texas

and the traditions and fun we shared as a family-

with good friends and good food.

 (My house is your house.)

simple green salad topped with avocado slices
and served with homemade Hidden Valley Ranch dressing
hot bread and butter
Enchilada Casserole
2 lbs. ground beef
1/2 stick butter
1 onion, chopped
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1  8 0z. can taco sauce
1   15 oz. can enchilada sauce
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 pkg. corn tortillas

Brown ground beef and drain.
Saute onion in butter and add to the ground beef.
Add sauces and soups to beef mixture and combine.
Layer all ingredients, including the tortillas,
which you have torn into fourths,
in a 9x13 pan.
Note : the last layer before topping the casserole with cheese should be the beef mixture.
Cover with the cheese and bake at 350 degrees for
30 minutes.

PS.  It rained in South Texas this week.
Woo hoo!

Thank you for guest blogging for me on GUEST BLOGGER FRIDAY Laura!! 
Love the yummy recipe!!


  1. I have followed Laura for a long time..almost as long as I have been blogging. She is a doll....and she cooks too!!! xo Diana

  2. Can't wait to try it, sounds delish.... Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Mmmmm, doesn't that sound delicious. I can almost smell it cooking. You have a lovely blog and Laura has a great recipe.

  4. thanks for the recipe and it rained in EAst Texas, too, yee haw!

  5. you picked a great guest...I love laura...

  6. I enjoyed the rain as well and for maybe two evenings we could sit out and enjoy the night air.Love the sign by the way!

  7. You can't keep giving the ranch recipes away Laura. There won't be any left for the book!
    P.S. It may just be me...but I can't get the photo of your mom and dad to come up.

  8. I've got a party here on the farm this weekend; might be able to use that. It will go on a recipe card. Thanks

  9. Hi Valarie, I am here from Laura's blog! I love Laura and enjoy so many of her recipes! Thanks for having me, I enjoyed my visit! HUGS!

  10. I am loving all of Laura's ranch recipes!

  11. How CUTE are
    your folks in
    that picture, Laura?
    Thanks for this
    lovely post and
    YUMMY recipes,
    xx Suzanne

  12. I love Laura and her cute blog.
    This recipe sounds amazing.
    xo bj
