Wednesday, June 29, 2011

final check lists- 4 days away!!!!

Check lists!! and another check list! We will be packing up tomorrow and heading out to beautiful east texas where my daughter will get married on Sunday! Lake side wedding 8 pm.. hot as he@#$!!  It will be a beautiful view!!  
Today we did a trail run on her beautiful blonde hair!! More to come!  xxox,


  1. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding. It must be hectic and exciting at the same time. Can't wait to see how she will fix her hair. 8:00 p.m. sounds like a beautiful time of day and the view sounds beautiful. We can't wait for pictures. Have a wonderful time. Take your tissue!! Debi

  2. Oh, what a bittersweet, wonderful, exciting time! Enjoy every single second of it! I was a two time Mother-of-the bride....I remember very little about either event!! But thankfully we have lots of photos of both lovely occasions! Gods richest blessings on you all.

  3. Congrats! I can't wait to see wedding pictures..and there is nothing lovelier than an evening wedding! xo Diana

  4. Been there done that...hopefully will be cool by 8:00...take lots of pics..

  5. Have a great time. Hot or not, well hot! PS I read in google reader and your blog does not show the pictures? Don't know why, until i open up the actual blog. Then I see everything.

  6. Congrats! I hope everything goes well, and you have a nice breeze to cool you off!

  7. How wonderful. Your daughter looks so pretty. Enjoy the day.

  8. Best wishes for all on this glorious occasion! I can only imagine being all beautiful and dressed in this heat...oh my.

    Enjoy every moment!


  9. Best wishes for all on this glorious occasion! I can only imagine being all beautiful and dressed in this heat...oh my.

    Enjoy every moment!

