Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Perfect Valentine T-shirt!!!

Stopped by DIGGIN IT to pick up a super fun and funky t shirt today for the Valentine party Saturday night... Pop over and get you one, she will mail you one.. just tell her I told you she would!! Her friend Marc designed it and I love it... 

I was trying to take a picture of myself so you could see the super cute Valentine T-shirt. I LOVE YOU!!  Yes, I am sporting my Grandmother's cat eye glasses.. Just had the lenses replaced in them.. I adore them.. and the new pink t! Thanks Tracey!!  


  1. LOVIN' those glasses girlfriend. How special that they were your grandmothers. The tee is perfect too. Happy Valentines. Keep Warm Tomorrow.

  2. Cute as heck...anything pink or red..or both..I love. Valentines Day and I did nothing this year..and now it's nearly too late!
    Oh dear!
    Your shirt is so cute! I need one of those!:)

  3. You are freaking adorable girl! Too cute in those glasses and Tee!!

