Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day in the life of a real estate agent.... today I was ...

and here.... 

and here... 

and here... 

and here... 

and here...

and back here... HOME SWEET HOME!! The snow is almost all melted now.. Hugs!  Happy Week-end! 


  1. OMG, what a exciting job you have... it would be wonderful to be able to tour those beautiful homes! I love going on home tours it's one of my favorite things to do... I usually always go to the one's they have in Waxachie but didn't get to go the one that they had at Christmas this past year! Can't wait for the next ones!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  2. They all seem like beautful homes but nothing beats your own cozy oasis!

    It snowed for us again last night. Not sure if we will ever see Spring!

  3. place beats it. I love your little blue cottage.
