Tuesday, January 4, 2011

something you should know...

I have an addiction to gravy boats!! This past weekend went junkin' in Oak Cliff found a few more!

They are chipped and have been well loved... Notice the handle.. 

love the pattern... love how it has aged.. 

My little shelf of happy! If you follow my blog you all know that my Grandmother was simply the best.. She always had plenty of gravy boats, plenty of dishes & plenty of love in her kitchen! 
I will also share that my step dad had a saying when we were all in the kitchen "If it ain't fried or dipped in gravy we ain't having it!"  Maybe that is why I am partial to gravy boats!! Just sayin' !
Hope you enjoy the simple pleasures of life... such as gravy!! 

Hugs.. Valarie 


  1. I love gravy boats, too. They're kind of like soup tureens (which I also adore), but don't take up as much room! Best of all, they are often filled with gravy. I have a feeling that a certain Oklahoma dish I know about it also popular in East Texas - chocolate gravy. Makes you realize that the saying "it's all gravy" is referring to one of the best things in life!

  2. Are there good stores there? Or garage sales?

  3. You and my mom! We have spent days searching, especially, for the ones with the saucer that is connected..lol! They are beautiful, I have to admit!
