Monday, November 8, 2010

New Blogging Friend.... (and a give-a-way)

Hey... Hey...  I have an introduction!!  Please hand me the mic!!

Today I would love for you to meet Tori. She is a SKY MOM, a cool mom of two daughters, lives here n Texas, writes an amazing blog .. great recipes, great parenting tips, news & events about Sky Ranch and is working on growing her followers fan club!! I told her we would help her.. I am counting on you.... Thanks, I knew you would... You were all so kind to Tracey &  Karla, made them feel most welcome... then you visited Kim, and Robin via my site.  Pop over and introduce yourself to TORI and give her a smile and a hug today?

I am having a give-a-way.. here are the rules.. You have to leave me a comment, you need to hop over and say hello to Tori, tell her you found via my blog, and...  and.... You need to become a follower of Tori's... If you want 2 entries to win my fabulous drawing!!! Slide my "SAVE THE DATE" for Cowboys and Cowboys to your blog! Please help me get the word out... it's for a amazing cause!

AND what do you win?????  Tell you this, you will not be disappointed!!  DRAWING SATURDAY!!!

Departing DFW at 6:30AM tomorrow heading out to Alexandria, Virginia!! Be back Friday.... Tell you all about it when I get back!



  1. Val, thanks for telling about this event. It does look like it's for a great cause.

  2. I am new to your blog and I really enjoyed reading through some of your entries and viewing your lovely pictures! I will pop over to Tori's and I will tell her you sent me. This is what I love so much about the blogging world. One wonderful site leads to another:)


  3. I popped over to Tori's blog, said hi...and now follow her, via GFC.
    I also follow you via GFC.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  4. Visited Tori's blog and became a follower.
