Friday, September 10, 2010

peace, Love and Happy Grandparents Day!

Actually Grandparents Day is Sunday, however, the McKinney ISD is celebrating today with a luncheon with your grandchild. So you know where I will be at 1pm! As you all know my Thursday evenings are totally dedicated to these guys. Last night some of the questions surrounding our conversation in reference to grandparents day.. He asked "Do you think we will always have Mimi night?" He said, "When I go to college can I come home every week for Mimi night?" (for sure will remember this for his teen years!) He asked,  "Do you think we will always hold hands when we are driving in the car?"  "Will you always follow me in your car when I walk or ride my bike to school?" Here are a few snapshots from last night ...
Brothers.. having fun! Eating cookies! 
We took big brother to Soccer Practice! 
Played football and had Jack's favorite Strawberry Fruit Bar! 
Thanks for stopping by today! Hope your Friday is filled with peace & LovE! Valarie


  1. Cool website, I hadn't come across previously during my searches!
    Carry on the fantastic work!
