Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Sound....

Of trickling water makes me feel cooler while we are battling 105 degree days here in the Lone Star State!  Inside our home all of the plantation shutters are shut.. shutting out the beauty of the natural sunlight shining in our bedroom and living area each morning. My outdoor baskets, ferns and flowers are all wilting and we have assigned watering days now.  We need a need a good ole' Texas thunderstorm to cool things down soon!  Stay cool and come on over for a glass of sweet iced tea this afternoon! See you here! Valarie


  1. I hear you is definately HOT here in TEXAS..

  2. Same here in Louisiana! Yuck! But a fountain tends to help. I'd join you for that tea if I could.
    Becky C
    Buckets of Burlap

  3. Valarie,
    I love, love, love your new header! It is simply beautiful. I don't have my fountain over to the Cape house, yet and I miss it. Soon, tho. Yours is lovely!

  4. Valarie, I went to Tracey's shop today and was so delighted with it. I posted about it on my blog and tried to do a link to your's. For some reason it kept taking me to another blog named A Glimpse of My World instead, so I had to leave the link off. Weird! Sorry, I tried several times.
