Saturday, July 10, 2010

yep, we did Six Flags.....

Don't ask me why! My daughter and I were energized with caffeine, ready to go by 8am!! We tackled to little guys and headed West to Six Flags yesterday. I might add it poured rain, we dried out stayed for another 5 hours and when it poured the second time .. we thought that may be a sign to head due NORTH!  Just a few glimpse's of our day!  

SuperMan ride first stop! I think I'll watch!  

It was a fun day! 


  1. Looks like a fun filled day. The old man.. he has always given me the creeps.. :)

  2. Looks like a boat load of fun!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  3. Looks like you all had fun! North of Six Flags -- to Oklahoma -- was the same kind of weather all weekend. Grass and gardens are looking beautiful, but it is squishy around here! Annie

  4. We have a Six Flags pretty close, but I've never been!! Looks like you had a really fun day! (Send us some of that rain!)
