Tuesday, June 15, 2010

in rehab!

We drove Serendipity Gypsy to rehab 1 week ago. We thought she was going to be a simple project!  ((NOT)) Turns out she needed a few minor things, the back of the trailer was wood rotted, the flooring after pulling it all out, needed a new sub floor, etc.. So 16 bids later, we drove her out to a remote site in NORTH, NORTH Texas to deliver her and we went back today for a visit and planning stages. What a difference a week makes!! Here she is now with a new sub floor, the back is being rebuilt with insulation added.

My original plan was to have a very shabby chic mobile on wheels, was going to paint all white inside, white slip covered love seat, a few of my favorite chandeliers, a microwave, and a sink..... well.... that was great vision but the love seat was too heavy, a futon(EVEN SHABBY'D they are not cute) would not roll out over the wheel wells, the cart for the microwave would not exactly fit against the curve of the kitchen window... and then they ask me "HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A/C?" AND do you want a porta potty?  I mean it is 96 degrees in Texas 4-5 months of the year!! and I do need a potty! So the final plan is to rebuild her back to original ... a sleek 1961 Shasta Compact!!  more to come!! Valarie  


  1. I love camper restorations! You will thank yourself after the potty and ac are installed- two necessities.

    I just slipcovered my sofa and make new window treatments. (You can see transformation on my blog) Amazing what a little freshness brings. Look forward to watching your camper progress.

  2. I love watching the progress. What a cute little beauty she is going to be! I want one!!!

  3. Wow what a job. It sounds exciting though and I'm sure the end results will be fabulous and worth the wait!

  4. yep. like everything else, little projects blossom into full grown redo's ....but if your gonna do it, do it right girl! you will be glad you did. you don't wanna be in a tin box with no a/c!! and the subfloor, well, take it from someone who had that prob and it attracted (ugh, i hate to even type it) roaches...ewww. we fixed it as soon as we discovered the problem but gross...not what you want in your weekend away!!

    you are gonna have so much fun. i am jealous. i really am!! but jealous is ugly, so i will turn it to thankful for you & your blessing!!!!

  5. OH WOW! That is a cute little thing. I never thought of all those options or issues. What fun it will be to re-do it. I've looked longingly at those trailers so now I can live vicariously through you. Can't wait to see the progress. Happy Summer from Houston.

  6. Hi Valarie, I just found your blog. My husband and I live in Henderson, NV and most of our family is in So. California. I was suggesting we get a travel trailer because we always end up on couches or the floor, and being seniors, our backs are not as flexible as when we were younger. Does one need an SUV or truck to haul the trailer? We have a Honda Accord and a Camry. My email is donnab6464@gmail.com if you would please let me know. Your blog is so creative! So much to see! I will be back...

  7. Going to be great when you get it done..nothing like a old Shasta gone modern...
