Saturday, May 15, 2010

what's in your window box?

This is one of my favorite window boxes. The planter is rusty wrought iron I bought years back... I think more rust, more chippy paint the better!  In this planter you will find geraniums, creeping jenny, and moss roses. This window box has plenty of morning sunlight, which is what these plants love! What's in your box? What is your favorite planter container for the window? Please share...  Happy Day!  Valarie


  1. Hi Valerie,
    I have mine posted on my blog here and there. I love a window box. Mine are made of cedar and lined with a flashing material to help keep the water away from the wood. I always have a geranium in there and whatever else that strikes my fancy that year. Some I don't even bother to know the name, just plop them in :) Yours looks beautiful.

  2. Unfortunately my shed flower boxes have dead flowers and vines in them. Since we are leaving on vacation soon I decided not to plant flowers now. SOB!
    Yours is so pretty!

  3. We have four going on right now, everything from geraniums to impatiens. Terra-cotta ones.

  4. Luv your beautiful window box...thanks for sharing!


  5. love it!! mine is rusty, crusty and at my kitchen window. I have sweet potato vine (purple leaves) and a small yellow lily and flanked with yellow and purple lantana.

  6. Unfortunately I don't have one! Can you believe that? But I so love to look at window boxes full of pretty flowers. Nothing says cottage as much as that does.
