Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Goodwill find....

Found this little lamp last night at the only shopping place in my town... GOODWILL! for $6! I realize muted colors are in, burlap and linen... but if I spot a red lamp shade or anything with color I can not stop myself!!  This little find now sits on the bar between the dining & kitchen area with a few of my favorite cookbooks and few silver pieces!  Please tell me red will always be "IN"!!


  1. Cute lamp, it looks great where it is resting!

  2. i hope it will always be in, i love red.. But who cares if it is , we love it! lol..

  3. Hi Valarie - I love your lamp. Stop worrying about whether red will stay around. If you like it, then it will never be out. I don't believe in keeping up with what is in style. I believe in decorating and surrounding yourself with what you love. Doesn't matter what year it was popular, the colors may not be "what's in" at the moment, etc. etc. It's all about what you love...what makes a room feel cozy to you and your family...there is nothing like a room filled with items you love and a room that you and your family love to hang out in
    and you feel all loved, safe and comfy. I always enjoy stopping by to visit your home. I have been enjoying watching the transformation of your yard...beautiful.

    Keep buying what makes you happy!

    Janice (Bella Della's Mom)

  4. Lovely lamp, and what a deal!!! Red will always be in!!!


  5. Red ... never out of style. I hope not, I have a red couch, red lampshades, red rugs. Can you tell I like red. GW not too bad either great find.

  6. I'm with you, I hope color and especially red will stay around for a long time. Your little cottage is looking great. Love your shade garden. Mimi

  7. Cute lamp! I think Red will always be in, it goes with almost any other color which is pretty cool!

  8. Hi Valarie,
    Wow what a great find! It looks new, just goes to show you never know what you are going to find. Yes Red will always be in, because we both love Red and we will keep using it, because it makes us smile.
    Take care and enjoy your day,

  9. Hi there! Thanks so much for inviting me over! You have a beautiful home and a lovely blog! (And I say, if you love it, it's in!)

  10. Red will most definitely ALWAYS be in! I know muted colors are all the rage. But look at PB. They're seemingly on to colors now.
