Saturday, April 17, 2010

everything is coming up ROSES!!

These beautiful roses are in my ROSE bed overlooking the pergola area. Have you ever planted  DAVID AUSTIN roses? from East Texas!?  i planted these 5 years ago and as you can see below they are going crazy! My grandmother was a natural at growing roses planting  JFK Roses - I remember the smell of the roses and how she had them displayed beautifully throughout her sweet home in miniature vases.  If you love roses,as I do... I highly recommend these!   Easy to grow, very hardy and they really put on a show! 
Have a great Saturday! Valarie 


  1. These are beautiful. My husband is a huge rose fan and loves to plant them. We live in Iowa so I don't think they are as gorgeous as yours but we do enjoy them!

    He loves the Barbara Bush rose!

  2. Beautiful roses! I've been catching up on your past posts and really enjoying them. I loved the one about the collage you made for your grandsons birthday. What a special thing to inspire me!

  3. Yes, I always plant his roses. And I buy from Claire Austin for Peonies. Unbeatable.

  4. Gorgeous! The color is so pretty against your blue house.:)

  5. grannylente.blogspot.comApril 18, 2010 at 3:13 AM

    Your garden is beautiful!

  6. Love your roses! They look so beautiful, especially against your blue walls. I definitely need to get more roses.

    Irma :)

  7. David Austen simply has the best roses, and with such wonderful scent. I used to go to his nursery in Wolverhampton just to check them out. didn't realise he was in the States too.
