Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is this a Dream?

Could we possibly have this much snow on March 21?  Look at all the snow here @1110! Normally in Texas, all our spring gardens and flowers are in the ground and moderate temps of 65-72. This morning it is very cold, the wind is blowing very hard (look at my flags) and the snow is coming down in sheets!!  Only in Texas!!  I love it!!  Y'all come on over!!
Have a blessed day!


  1. Oh my! We had snow on Friday and it was horrible. It finally melted today but since this is the Midwest, we never say its over until about May. I hope yours melts quickly. Your house looks beautiful in the snow!

  2. All 3 daughters live in the Dallas area... all were shocked Sunday to see this snow!

    blessings. Dixie

  3. Good Morning Valarie,
    My goodness you all still have snow! I bet it is very cold, it does look pretty though!
    We had a very warm weekend here.
    I bet you can't wait for your spring time to come.
    Take care and enjoy your week, Elizabeth
