Friday, March 5, 2010

For all of us that have a bit of Gypsy Heart!

I love this new song by Miranda Lambert!! She graduated high school with my son in 2002 from the city of Lindale, Texas!! I am a bit partial to this little country gal.. Go here to see her new Airstream remodel in the making... 

Here are a few lines from the song.... Enjoy! 
Sometimes I wish I lived in an Airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy
Break a heart, roll out of town
Cause gypsies never get tied down

Sometimes I wish I lived on a mountain
Drank from a stream instead of a fountain
Id stay there, top of the world
But I was born a red dirt girl

Unbridled or tethered and tied
The safety of the fence or the danger of the ride
Ill always be unsatisfied

Sometimes I wish I lived by a pier
In a lighthouse with a chandelier
Id watch everybodys ships come in
And then Id sail away with them

Unanchored in the storm
Or safely on the shore
If this is all I need, why do I want more

Happy Friday!! 


  1. Hi, Val..I haven't heard this one.
    Hope your weekend is great...go thrifting and find something fabulous.
    I am so hoping to go visit my cousin in Carthage in East Texas and go to that big flea market at Canton. keeping fingers crossed!!

  2. I love Miranda, what a doll she is. I have always liked Texas, my grandpa was from Abalene Texas and my grandma was from Rosebud Alabama.Those Southern roots just keep calling me. Maybe I'll follow.
    Love ya, Debbie
