Friday, February 12, 2010

More Snow.....

Yes, Yes 2 days of snow posting! For you that read my blog and do NOT live in Texas, please understand we do not get snow in Texas, we get ice, sleet ... the not pretty  white fluffy snow... so therefore I am beside myself with all the white beauty. Sharing a few photo's of my snow covered pecan tree, crape myrtle covered in snow (hard to believe in 2 months it will be blooming with beautiful pink blooms) my street, and another photo of the blue cottage with more snow than yesterday. According to news source North Texas hasn’t seen a winter this white in 32 years. The 11.2 inches of snow that had fallen by midnight Thursday at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport topped the previous record for snowfall in one day of 7.8 inches recorded in 1917 and 1964. The 12.4 inches that had fallen by 4 a.m. Friday also broke the 24-hour record of 12.1 inches Jan. 15 and Jan. 16, 1964. Thursday’s snow also catapulted seasonal accumulation to 15.7 inches, according to the National Weather Service in Fort Worth.That ranks as the second snowiest season ever.  Most snowiest was the 17.6 inches that fell in 1977-78. That year, 13.5 inches fell in February alone, also a record. Now you understand my excitement over a Texas snow!! oh and one more thing... did I tell you that Texas has over 600 school closings today? So all the kids are in the hood playing - sledding down the hill, chasing their dogs, making snow angels... it's a wonderful morning! Come on over - we have hot cocoa! 


  1. Beautiful pictures again ! Though I think everyone dreads any more snow now... lovely to look at but a real pain when it comes to getting around. Have a lovely, warm, weekend

  2. It is hard to believe all of the snow you received in your area!!! We ended up with about 6 inches of it. Enjoy your SNOW day!!♥

  3. I can sense all of the smiles around there! We are just hoping for some snow flurries here in North Florida..

  4. Valerie, thanks for stopping by and becoming a is really appreciated!
    It is nice to share the snow with you...we should share more often! There is more in our forecast for tomorrow...rain and snow. Your pictures make the snow look really beautiful.
    I need to go read the rest of your blog...

  5. We don't get it either but it is coming over our way today...just waiting and then Snow Day will begin.

    Oh it is beautiful at your home!

  6. Seeing all the beautiful pics of the snow on all the Texas blogs, just makes me wish we would have gotten some of it our way, but we didn't. Have a great Friday, T

  7. Dear Valerie,
    I read your entire post to my husband, who is always interested in the weather, but not from me.

    Blogging brings people and their homes and their lives so close that you think you are right there..
    I loved your pictures!! Just gorgeous! Thank you for taking the time to post them. Being in Southern California, it makes the snow and what people are actually seeing and experiencing so very much more real!

  8. it also cancels that we had planned since Oct....thank goodness they changed them for us and we still get to go

  9. Your snow is beautiful on your lovely blue cottage home! We are finally completely DUG OUT here. Hubby finished coming up our walk to the front door this morning. Boy, all this snow reminds me of the winter of 1978 in Chicago.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  10. Hi, Valarie, I'm catching up on blogging, and just can't get enough of the snow photos!---am loving your beautiful photos, esp. the ones of your gorgeous cottage in this winter wonderland!!! Also being in North Texas, I'm just so excited about the snow, too! It's so amazing! It was fun not being able to go into work until this afternoon, and after work driving around taking photos of all the snowmen (something we rarely see here!). I've posted my favs today! Stay warm!!! Patti

  11. Oh so pretty!! If it wasn't our 3 storm in 2 weeks here I might be enjoying it too but... so tired, want spring!
    stay warm:)

  12. I have heard about it on the news! Sounds like you are enjoying it...spring is coming they say, hope they are right! Have a good Valentines day....come say hi when you can :D

  13. PS: I posted a link to your beautiful snow pictures on my snow post today! I'm enjoying viewing all my fellow Texans' snow photos in Blogland! Thanks for visiting & for letting me know about your giveaway! I'm going to sign up now....Stay warm, Patti

  14. Oh, boy...this HAS been a record-breaking year for snow. We generally get a couple of light snows during the wintertime but, boy, we have really had a lot more than normal. And to see Dallas with this much just blew my mind.
    Your blue cottage looked so pretty with all the white on it..:)
    Stay warm..

  15. Love your Winter Wonderland pics! Thanks for stopping by.
