Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More Before & After

This was the side entrance of the house. As you can see she was in a real need of a make-over.. We put in new windows throughout, added the side porch overhang... added columns, railing, fret work, window boxes, a drive way, lots and lots of landscaping over the years, fabulous Blue Denim paint by Sherwin Williams.... and after 8 years here she is now....  xxoo, Valarie


  1. What a transformation. Love Sherwin Williams

  2. Wow! What a vision you had!

    I just got your comment, but can't interpret it. haha You didn't know what? I am not set up at First Monday. But, I have a store in Poetry. Come see me! ~Mindy

  3. and you obviously added lots of love!!!

  4. What a lot of work..wow, and now look how cute it it is! :D

  5. I love your little cottage and your ability to spot a great bargain and the potential it has. My husband sold real estate also. He is a general contractor and we flipped an old home, every body had given up on but it was darling after we were finished(I need to take pic's,) blogging is getting me there.
    Love, Debbie

  6. Love everything you've done. Makes a huge difference. Mimi

  7. Isn't it funny when you show a house some love the transformation that can take place. Beautiful!

  8. wow what a makeover! I love that color...so cute!

  9. So pretty! Looks like a cover to a home/garden magazine. Your landscaping is beautiful too. Great job!

  10. Super cute! Looks like a fairytale cottage. Hope you live happily ever after, too!

  11. What a lovely transformation! Your cottage is super charming now!!Thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!
