Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just ask.... can I have those cedar sprigs?

While visiting the Christmas Tree farm the other day... I asked with the Texas accent??? Can I have those cedar sprigs? (that they have  left over from the tree trimming) he said "SURE, HOW MANY YOU WANT?" Well, I got a bag full - so I have been decorating with them... the house smells soooooooo GOOD!!   
Have fun today!! 


  1. We have cedar trees growing in the woods behind our house. I'm heading out today to trim some branches. ;)

  2. what a good could they refuse????

  3. Do you think it would work if you don't have a Texas accent? LOL.
    Your home sure does look warm and welcoming.

  4. That Texas accent will get them every time. I love the smell of evergreen tree's. We can't have them in the house becuase my youngest is allergic. So until she skips a Christmas with us it will be fake all the way.

  5. What am I thinking? We cut a cedar tree out of my back yard AND we trimmed another cedar in my front yard. All the greens are on the wood pile. Guess who is on her way out to bring the greens in? Holy cow. Thanks Val!
