Sunday, November 22, 2009

Just a little Christmas cheer today!!

Well .. no day of rest around here! WE  LOML worked his tail off today.. started with the raking of the leaves - and more leaves.  Hung all the Christmas lights on the roof lines... then hung the garland around the front door- and then finally as the sun set we flipped the switch to light our little blue cottage!  What did you do today??  Are you in the Christmas spirit?? 
Hugs to all... Valarie   


  1. He worked HARD today, and it looks so festive!


  2. Today was a great day with family-
    I have a few more things to bring out to finish my decorating. I have never finished before Thanksgiving.

    I love your front door.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. i am getting there...but sorta waiting till after Thanksgiving to get into it big time!

  4. wow you are on top of things...we always wait till after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas

  5. What a great guy! I'd love to see a night picture. Your home is so cute!

  6. Lots of leaf raking here too. We live in house surrounded by oak trees so it's pretty much never ending. Luckily I don't mind that job. :) Your Christmas lights looks beautiful!

  7. We usually have the outside lights up right before Thanksgiving, but this year it will be afterwards. However, I've started decorating the inside! Your home looks so gorgeous all lit up in Christmas lights! I love the garland and the wreaths! Patti

  8. I love your adorable little home..and now all lit up for Christmas it is amazing and I love it even more!
    VERY cottage! :)
