Monday, September 7, 2009

Sharing Gruene.....

Hi y'all, wanted to share a few photo's I snapped this week-end. All of you that follow my blog know I love Gruene, down in the heart of Hill Country in Texas! It is a place of renewal, and recharge for me. Come along.. for a glimpse of a good time...
We always stay at The Mansion
LOML and I sat on the river bank...
Skipped rocks....
Gruene Hall was a buzz with Charlie Robinson in town for his birthday bash!
The Gruene water tower~ standing so proud over the town!
While down in Gruene, we walk the neighborhood - I always walk by this home and think how stinkin' cute the outside is-so thought I would snap a few photo's. This is Anne's home, although I have never met her, I did find a number for her to ask if I could post my photo's- of course she was so kind to agree.Let's take a peek together!
ALL the birdhouse's in the trees...

See the dove? Then back to The Mansion to relax, swing in the arbor... Isn't this fabulous?
If you ever want to stay at The Mansion, Cecil will help you find the perfect room for your anniversary, girl's week-end, etc... Be sure and tell him I sent ya! Hugs~Valarie


  1. It sounds and looks like a wonderful town. What a fun trip.

  2. I have never been there. HOWEVER, we are talking about going some weekend this fall.

  3. I too love Gruene. I do not get there as much as I would like to. My brother was married there (in the Mansion) and it was a beautiful wedding. I love to stroll the shops. The antique shop is wonderful. It is where we got the lamps in my mother's living room. Blessings

  4. What a wonderfully pretty place!!! Thanks so much for sharing such lovely photos! :) Chris

  5. This is an ADORABLE cottage and I am crazy for a bike to put in my front yard. I just keep looking!!
    So glad you had such a good time..

  6. Hmm I might just have to go there one day! Do you have any suggestions on where my hubby should take me this winter? I think were goign to take a week of vacation and go somewhere close! Hugs


  7. I LOVE Gruene.....and I like to eat at the Grist Mill. :)

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful time!! When we lived in Texas My husband and I would getaway to Fredricksburg a lot. Stop by when you can. Connie

  9. What a fun place to see. I love the rusty tin roof. sandi

  10. It looks like a fun place to visit. I love the house!!

  11. What a fantastic place live.
    Wouldn't it be wonderful! Great pictures! What a delightful blog!
