Sunday, September 20, 2009

Re-charged, re-energized and home safely!!

I'm back.....
We had a blast at the retreat!! We even won a very prestigious hand carved cedar award! Yep, we did a bubble gum blowing contest. No, it really was not that easy! First of all, the grandson had to put his face in a bowl of flour, find the bubble gum, grab the gum with his teeth, then give me the gum - flour and all, then I had to blow a bubble with the gum in less than a few seconds.
We had a day of activities that were very fun for the kids.
Also, If you ever have a chance to attend a conference with Terry Ann Kelly, as the guest speaker - GO! Terry is an excellent speaker, speaks from the heart, has 5 boys! (God Bless her!) and she is a tiny package of DYNAMITE! Hope you had a fabulous week-end! Glad to be home... missed you all.. Valarie


  1. Sounds like you two had a great time! It's different for me, with grandkids, b/c I still have young kids, and I tease that I have to trip my grandsons on their way through the house b/c they can't wait to see their uncles! Oh well, there is a lot to do at Grandma's house I guess!

  2. So glad you were able to make some memories with your grandson. Love your kitchen redo. LOVE the words over your cabinets. Mimi

  3. Fun! Fun! Was it a Jakes meeting? We had one of those in Lufkin, Tx a few weeks ago. So much for the kids to participate in and Nana's.....

  4. What a fun thing to do with your grandson! Oh, how I'm looking forward to grandchildren.
