Wednesday, September 30, 2009

one of my favorite things....

For all of you that follow my blog... remember my post and the newly planted kitchen sink! At the end of the summer I take notes and keep a scrapbook of my yard for the season, plants that worked and did not work, new little junky finds I found here and there etc.... Well I think my favorite junky find for the side yard this summer was the kitchen sink!! The impatients and ferns are so pretty now. I hope you agree...


  1. Looks pretty and finally all he plants are recovering from our brutal summer!!

  2. Looks great, Valarie! I'm on the lookout for some double washtubs on feet - you know, the old metal ones. I need them for my garden shed. Don't know if I'll plant flowers in 'em or use them for the garden. I love your sink and also your baby bathtub!
