Friday, August 7, 2009

In honour of ... Julie and Julia! A strand of Pearls for you!

Go see this movie! You will find your mind wandering throughout the movie of all the things you could write about in your daily blog and also really make you wonder if your blog could be the next movie!! Let's see .. discovered for what.... inspiration under my label Junky Finds, or the "What is a Mimi?" label, or the stories of the kids (they would make a nice horror movie!) or the stories of LOML (nice love story!) .... or perhaps I should keep it simple and enjoy sharing my everyday life with you. I truly thank you for stopping by, you all inspire me to be a better person and I thank you for that!
To keep in the spirit I am going to give away one of my strands of faux pearls! Please leave me a comment if you would like to enter .. I will draw the lucky winner on Sunday!
Bon Appetit!


  1. I want to see that movie, it looks so funny and I love the actresses, Meryl and Julia. And I loved Julia Child, I can't wait to see it. Also, I would love to enter the drawing for the pearls. I use them all the time, in my decorating. I have some on my mantle right now. I love them and can't get enough of them. Thanks.

  2. What a fun idea and since I follow your blog and am a June birthday person (and pearls are for me!!!), I'd love a strand of your faux pearls. Will try to check out this movie, too.

  3. Yes, I do look forward to seeing this movie.....and new material for movies....blogs??? Wow.


  4. Pick me! Pick me! I love me some pearls! ~Mindy

  5. Oh my goodness...pearls! A girl can always use another strand of pearls! I just saw the movie to and LOVED it!!!


  6. I can't WAIT to see that movie. I
    LOVE MERYL STREEP...if I was gay, I'd chose her !!! hahahhhhhaaahhhaa
    Julia Child used to tickle me to death...I am anxious to see what her life was like.
    Would you please enter me in your generous and sweet drawing? I don't have one single strand and how can you be a June Cleaver without PEARLS??
    Happy night!!

  7. Hahaa..I just read PRIMITIQUES and she wants them, if I SHOULD win them, I may have to give them to her!! :O)

  8. I can't believe you mentioned the movie. My daughters bought me the book, and we are going to see it this weekend.

    As I started reading, I thought what you thought- I could/we could all do this. Then I wondered if I could try a french recipe from the cookbook at least once a month???

    What do you think?

    Sign me up for the giveaway- I love pearls.


  9. I'm in on the giveaway! If you follow my blog, you know I had been waiting on this one. My daughter-in-law and I went to see the movie last night. Great story.

  10. Val,

    Love your blog. Love your simple, sweet, heartwarming family tales. Love that you love your family, particularly your spouse. Thanks for the great ideas and great writing. I would love to win the pearls and garden in them daily. I could use some of your gardening inspiration points, especially that backyard! WOW.
    Keep up the great blogging.
    Linda from NC

  11. My Mom and I saw the movie tonight! We both LOVED it!!! You had such a cute idea to give away pearls! The movie makes me want to get Julie's book and also Julia's french cooking book! Patti

  12. I need to go see this movie. I will have to wait for my sister, aunt and Mom as I know my DH would not want to go with me.

    Irma :)

  13. I just saw the movie yesterday with my daughter. We loved every minute of it. What a great love story. I would love to be included in your drawing if it's not too late. Thanks!

  14. I don't go to a lot of movies, but this one I think I MUST go too! Karen

  15. I plan on seeing this movie, mostly because I love Meryl Streep. I haven't heard a lot about it yet.
    I would like to be entered in your pearl giveaway...perfect for my shabby chic bedroom.
    I tried to send you an email just now, but it came back to me "unknown". I thought I typed the address correct.
    But you asked me about the kids and if there was a trust fund set up (the accident). I didn't see anything about it in the paper, but I remember not too long ago reading that he made a settlement over the accident that killed his wife, so I am thinking the kids are going to be taken care of.
    Sweet of you to mention it though. I sure feel bad for them.
