Monday, August 3, 2009

Hand Me Down Lamp

New little lamp hand me down from Mama! I have wanted this for so long... so thanks Mama for letting me bring back to the cottage! The pedestal it is sitting on is a Goodwill find.. which I love! You can take a peak through the mirror and see my rooster painted on the kitchen wall. Aren't hand me downs the best??


  1. Yes, hand me downs are the best! Especially when it's one you really wanted! He looks wonderful there and completes that nice little area.

    Your kitchen rooster is adorable too! I've noticed him often as I've hung around your roost!

  2. I'm a rooster collector so you KNOW I love that lamp... Thank your mom from me too.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  3. Looks great! Hand me downs are the best...doesn't cost anything!

  4. I take hand me downs any chance I can get.
    Yours looks good!

  5. Yay for hand me downs. Things that my grandma gave me are so precious to me now. They have meaning and I remember her when I use them. Your lamp is so cute. Love the shade. Lamps make rooms so cozy. Mimi

  6. I'm waiting on my Mama to hand me down some favorite things. She says she's still using them and she smiles and says she'll give 'em to me one of these days! My most favorite thing I want from her is my grandmother's black wicker rocker. I have never seen one so strong and heavy and pretty. I can hardly wait to get it!

  7. I love that lamp!! I collect roosters too.
    That was nice of your mom to let you have the lamp in your cottage.

  8. It's darling! I love rooster decor and useful items.

  9. Indeed they are. Some of my favorite things were given to me by my mother and aunt.
    I love your rooster SURE and join in the Show Us Your Roosters party on Aug. 28th. I have the button on my sidebar.
    xo bj

  10. You sure do have something to crow about!
    Love how you have the lamp displayed on the cute table.

  11. Well, I see you are a rooster loving girl. Gorgeous lamp!!!

    Honey, thank you so much for displaying the rooster button and joining the party. We will have a ton of fun!!!!

    Come back soon.

    Hugs, Barb
