Saturday, August 15, 2009


We are heading out to Fayetteville to take Jonathan to the University of Arkansas!! As I post this blog you all know it is an emotional journey whether you are ready for them to leave the nest or not. It seems like only yesterday that I became his step mom - which was 7 years ago! I do not write this blog to pretend blending families is easy. It is not! However, Jonathan did make my role as step mom easy and I thank you Jonathan for that. We have had many laughs, many tears, many special holidays, amazing soccer games, basketball games, FFA stories, football games, argued over if has to clean his room (which he never did!), and drank plenty of his and my favorite sweet tea! The memories are endless and priceless I must say. All in all it has been a very good ride, I have been blessed to play such a small part in his journey.
ALL PACKED UP!! What will I do with this room now -- The hog will have to stay!!

Jonathan, I love you.. I wish you much success in the school of engineering! Don't forget the two things I tried to instill in you the last 7 years... live with respect and responsibility and you will go far.
BIG hugS!


  1. Valarie,
    Best of Luck to Jonathan. He was so blessed to have had a stepmom like you!!!!

  2. Hi Miss Val-

    I emailed you my address a day or so ago and I sent it again tonight. Let me know if you don't get it.
    I am so excited.

    How wonderful-a college trip!


  3. Wow! College!
    Big step but with support from you, he will do just fine. What a good looking guy.
    Congratulations to both of you for making the transition.

  4. Good luck to Jonathan! We're getting Princess ready for the trip back to her college, too. She leaves this SAturday. =P

    It'll be alot quieter, alot less drama here when she's gone. I miss her already...
