Monday, August 10, 2009

and the winner is.....

I did not forget I was suppose to have the drawing yesterday, we delivered the grandchild to the final camp of the summer! SKY RANCH. It was a beautiful camp and I can not wait to hear all about it on Saturday.
Of course, we were first in line at the gate!! That is very important to a 9 year old because top bunk is a must! In his entertaining mode!
I thank you all for entering my drawing for pearls just like Julia's! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!
and the winner is...... Laura @White Spray Paint! Hop over and pay her a visit and congratulate her. You will enjoy her blog!
Congrats Laura!
Hugs to all~~


  1. I hope camp is great. Yep, gotta have that top bunk!!
    Congrats to Laura.

  2. Yes, congratulations to Laura! She is so sweet and deserving!
