Friday, July 3, 2009

Nothing like a home town July 4th parade!

Have a fun day!


  1. Our little town usually does a small parade but I haven't gone because it's usually so hot on the 4th of July. But small towns are fun with their celebrations.
    Have a happy 4th.

  2. We have gone to our hometown parade every 4th of July for over 25 years. All the grands wouldn't know what to do if we missed one. (well, i missed one last hospital)..then everyone comes back here for hot dogs and ice cream...
    HAPPY 4TH, my friend.

  3. How have I missed your blog? I am so glad I found it! I am a Texas girl too! Tell me about the character in the parade...I am intrigued.


  4. Hi from a fellow texan...I live near the Houston area. love your little place here.....have a happy 4th!


  5. I couldn't agree more. I also love neighborhood parades. Don't see those much anymore!
    In your issue of Romantic Country is a photo shoot of Cheryl's home. She has a blog called cheryl' you'd probably enjoy. Just a little FYI!


  6. I miss the 4th of July parade in my small home town. I miss the high school marching band, fire trucks, and the VFW members walking. I look forward to small town life again sometime in the future. My home town also had a fair in town for the 4th.... it was so much fun.

  7. Valarie, Hope you had a great 4th of July. I saw your name at Cindy's and was pleased to see the word Texas. I also live there and have found so many Texas bloggers, I think when I redo my blog, I will add a list of just us Texans.
    Come see me.

  8. I just spent the last couple of hours here on your blog. It is beautiful and I love your style. You gave me lots of inspiration today.
    So happy to have found you.
    I will be back.

  9. Thanks for the visit, I love your home and I'll be back for more eye candy, Cheryl
