Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'll be at the Baseball Tournament!!

No garage sale, no junking today-- Grandson is finishing up a tournament today! We have played two games so far and won both! The "Mckinney North All Stars" need a victory! If you follow my blog, you all know we lost the the final game in District play and knocked them out of the state quarter finals. This tournament is for the love of the game- they are having a blast! Whatever you do today - enjoy it! Hugs to you all! Valarie


  1. Have a great time watching the games. I wouldn't be surprised if some of our little local boys are there, too.

  2. Go Mckinney North All Stars!

  3. All three of my boys played Little League for years and I sure miss it. Have fun!!

  4. Dear Valerie...I am visiting you first as I just read your sweet comment on my new post! How very kind of you!
    It sounds like you are having a wonderful and busy summer! Boys and baseball...I remember those days well...and selling hotdogs! Those were wonderful days! Enjoy every single moments...and again..thank you!
    Love and smile~

  5. He is such a cute, All American looking boy in that photo! Let us know the final outcome.
