Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Saturday!

Look what I found at trades day! I only bought one thing.. found many things... but only brought one thing home!
Found this old chippy white column- loved it! The ivy sitting atop of it is in a old silver ice bucket.. (found at a garage sale few years back) -

Tonight is "date date" with LOML, so we opted to stay in.. I made this homemade pizza- Very easy to make - Use Mama Marys thin pizza crust, brush crust with extra virgin olive oil, use your favorite tomato sauce, add fresh basil, then about 2 handfuls of grated American & Mozarella cheese, top with green olives, purple onion, bell pepper and mushrooms, sprinkled with lots of black pepper and a dash of garlic salt.
Then you must have a cold beer in a frosty mug. Blue Moon beer is very light and best when served up with an orange slice! Very refreshing!


  1. What a wonderful column! And your pizza looks yummy!

    Happy Weekend!

  2. Love the column you found, it looks so pretty in the corner. I also just love how you hung all those lovely plates on the wall, and in the old silverware box. What a lovely bedroom so peaceful and cozy...

    Have a great weekend.


  3. Love, love, love the idea of a date night at home. Simple but memorable.

  4. Some of the best dates are the ones spent at home with a good man and a pizza! The column is wonderful. I sold an ice bucket at a garage sale a few years ago. Wish I still had it. Mimi

  5. That's funny . . . I saw you buying the column at Third Monday, but didn't know it was you! Should have recognized your picture. Nice find!
