Monday, June 1, 2009

Little League Update...

I know you all were wondering about the week-end tournament!! It was very hot, drank many bottles of water, iced tea, and witnessed some great baseball with these little guys! The Rattlers won both games on Sunday, followed up with a batting practice tonight in preparation for the city championship tomorrow night! We are tied for FIRST PLACE! Cross your fingers for my little guy! ENjoy the photo's - cause I know u want to see them!
Baby Jack really enjoyed himself! A day outside playing on the blanket all day! Fully entertained by all the fans! My Grandson, the First Baseman!
By the end of the day, I was one pretty proud "MIMI". I hope your grandkids make you feel like a crowned princess! (Mine do!) OF course, I had to wear my Crown FLiP fLoPS!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What cute grandkids you have! I'm jealous - I've got git one of my kids married off first! We're waiting to see what happens with Adam & Candace. Is a wedding in the works? Time will tell!!! And I'm all for saving money, too!

  2. GREAT FLIP FLOPS!! And the game looks like a great way to spend some cherished family time.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  3. Valarie...
    they are so cute....
    love the sandals...

  4. Cute cute...both the player and the, well...the other little player..haha..he looks like he is having a blast..
    i have a granddaughter, deeds, playing softball this summer. she loves it, too. we haven't missed a game. with 7 granddaughters into sports, we stay busy busy busy trying to get to them all.
    Your flip flops are so cute. Funny thing..i finished up a posting last night about....summer flip

  5. What an adorable baby!! Can I borrow him for about 15 minutes? I know he would love Auntie Melly.

    I gotta say, that is one fierce and handsome First Baseman you have!

    And the Flip Flops are too cute!

    So many blessings in your life.

