Friday, May 22, 2009

Would you look at what LOML placed on the steps in the side garden last night? GARDEN BOOTS! and oh yes.. I need them, I have my runined my tennis shoes, flip flops etc... cause I tend to be a tad messy while working, watering in the flower garden! Very cute on and comfortable. love em'!
May your day be filled with laughter!

p.s. please let me know if you stopped by today!


  1. I am stopping by this morning! Love those yellow boots. I am waiting for everyone to get up so we can take the boat out. Have a great weekend.


  2. so cute...I am such a messy gardener..I ruin all my shoes and clothes doing the yellow boots...

  3. Stopped by. Love the yellow boots. Have a fun weekend.

  4. Hello! Oh, I love love love rubber boots (we call them Wellingtons) and yellow ones are just extra nice!

    I'm starting a garden for the first time this year; maybe I should get me some of those, too!

    Have a lovely weekend. ☺

  5. Hi Valarie,
    I don't think I've commented before but you said to let you know I stopped by, so I guess it's time to say, "Hi"!
    I check your blog all the time and have for quite some time now and I love it! Thanks for taking the time to post! It is a lot of fun for all of us!
    On Easter, I filled two pairs of rubber boots, one with daffodils and one with tulips, placing one in my entry and one of the front steps. They looked SO cute!
    Nice to finally virtually "meet" you, after dropping by so often.

  6. I stop by just about everyday to see what's up. I should comment more often.

  7. I'm so messy when I work outside I swear my feet get stained black.
    It's worth it though.
    I love you ryellow boots,


  8. I don't stop by daily...but try to get by often. I "discovered" you after the Garden Tour last hello to fellow McKinney-ite!

  9. Oh those are soooo adorable and YOU!

