Monday, May 11, 2009

Garden Cheer!

Everything is really blooming here at the cottage!

How was your day? I really do want to hear about it!! Good or Bad? Rain or Snow? Laughs of joy or tears of sorrow?
Thanks for stopping by to see me!


  1. the weather here is super right now!!! lots of sunshine...BUT tomorrow we are supposed to get............SNOW!!!! I wonder when Mother Nature will stop PMS-ing and take a look at the calendar!!! your flowers look beautiful...

  2. Valerie, I am so enjoying my cone planters - idea from you. My friend got some then her friends.....
    The rain has everything blooming here in East Texas - but soooo hot already.

  3. Hi, just dropped by from Tootsie Time. My day is okay....your flowers are lovely.

  4. I love all the things you do with your cottage. I wish I could let you loose on my house! Patty
