Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ever been to Fort Worth, Texas?

Well if you come to Texas or live in Texas go to the Fort Worth Stockyards! It is a fun "DATE" with your loved one. We had a blast... enjoy the photo's!
The downtown area has some of the most yummy BBQ AND THE coolest COWBOY boots if you would like to purchase a pair or two! Read up on the history of the Chishom Trail of 1875! You will appreciate the enormous size mural! This steer was covered in English ivy!! Gotta Love it!! Only in TeXas!
Then of course we had to have some BBQ! We were waiting patiently!
Saddle up and ride on over!


  1. Hi Valarie
    I am excited you're going to join in the porch party. I'll have the post up the night before and you can just come by and sign up with mr linky.
    I'm glad to meet you and will come back for a longer visit later.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  2. I love going to Ft. Worth...we ride the train in and the trolley over to the is such a fun place...we've gone to the Rodeo a few time is a fun date....theres a good Mexican Rest. there too...can't remember the name but it is up on the hill at the end...

  3. Ft. Worth !! I love that place..Dallas, too. I was born in Dallas and had family there until they all died ! bwaaaaa..
    ANYWAY, love going to the stockyards...just a really fun place to visit. I always wanted to go in Billy Bob's and ride that buckin' barrel but Mr. Sweet said NO WAY ! O, shoot !!
    There's a fellow blogger that lives in Ft. Worth...would have been fun to meet up with her..Bo over at Blinks and Winks from Brown Eyes.

  4. i love ft worth too!! not as much as the hill country, but it is a fun place to go! i always enjoy my visit here. have a great week (end). mzzterry<><

  5. Oh, aren't you guys cute!
    Did you buy some cowboy boots?

    I've never been to Texas. I might have to add it to my Places-to-Visit list!

  6. I wish I could go visit!!! I have been planting like a maniac...and finally almost done...then on to my sister's to help her overcome a very brown
    have a great weekend!

  7. Oh I've never been to Texas...hope to visit it soon! It looks like a wonderful place!
