Friday, April 24, 2009

Sharing Austin~ it was a fabulous time!

It was a fabulous time at the James Taylor concert last night! Amazing performance... probably the best ever... of course, I say that everytime we see him! I am sharing some of the city with you. I LOVE Austin!
This is our State Capitol! Some of the sights of 6th Street, very hip & cool area! The Driskill Hotel~ Yes, stay here! Highly recommend!
The concert was here~
These beautiful oak trees on campus!
Then LOML drove me through this cute neighborhood on the way out of town this am!

and the final reason to go see James Taylor other than he is so darn cool and his music ROCKS! is the T-SHIRT!
Hope you enjoyed Austin Texas!


  1. Love that little neighborhood and the quaint homes... makes me want to move in.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. Oh, we love Austin, too. Go there every chance we get. Last time there, we were told to go to this certain bridge just before sunset...I have never in my life seen so many darn BATS...they fly out of there every evening for food. Just amazing.
    I know you must have REALLY had a great time...J. Taylor...oh, my...the man CAN sing !!
    A good friend of ours is a James Taylor and he sure takes a lot of ribbing!! :O)
    Glad you had fun! and I WANT ONE OF THOSE CUTE already have one!!

  3. Texas gal here, too! I just found your site - very lovely. I love your cottage home, too. We're still working on ours here in East Texas. My husband, brother and one of my sons are Aggies, one son is at UT-Tyler and my daughter is trying to decide. Nice to meet you - Come visit me sometime!

  4. ALSO - there's no place like TEXAS!!! I'm born and raised here and I wouldn't consider leaving it at all!

  5. I've wanting to get to Austin to watch the Mexican Free-Tail bats fly out from Congress Street Bridge for some time now. Maybe this will be the summer that it will happen.
